Why choose us?

  • 10000+

    Students who choose to take our training succeed in their careers, not only working as a security guard, but also obtaining a higher position.

  • 100%

    Our unique approach to learning helps prepare students to pass the exam at 100%.

  • Affordable

    In order to get your license you will need to pass a Live Scan Check. We are offering special competitive prices on Live Scan for our graduates.


  • What is a guard card, and why do I need it?

    A guard card is an official license or certification that authorizes individuals to work as security guards. It is typically issued by a government agency or licensing authority. You need a guard card to legally work in the private security industry and perform duties as a security guard.

  • I've just received my certificate. What should I do next?

    Congratulations on obtaining your first step toward your guard card! Here’s what you should do next: After you have completed your guard training, you will need to make sure your application for your live scan is completed, and your application to BSIS is submitted and the dues are paid. To clarify, if you have only done your 8-hour training, you do have to do your continuing education (which OEIS we provide) to continue to obtain your guard card and remain licensed. Our OEIS US Office provides Certifix Live Scanning.

  • Do I need any additional training or certifications after getting the guard card?

    In many cases, yes. While the guard card is the fundamental requirement, some employers may prefer or require additional training or certifications for specific job roles. These might include first aid and CPR training, firearm certification, or specialized training for working in certain environments.

  • How can I improve my chances of getting hired as a security guard?

    Enhance your employability by: ● Gaining Experience: If you lack experience, consider internships or volunteer opportunities to build your resume. We all have to start somewhere! ● Additional Training: Pursue extra certifications or training to make yourself stand out to employers.This could be your Baton Permit, Pepper Spray, Fire Arms, and CCW. Don’t forget, you must complete your continuing education (32 hours) to keep your Guard Card valid. ● Networking: Attend security industry events or join online forums to network with professionals in the field. Get to know who is offering what in your area for work! ● Professional Appearance: Present yourself well during interviews and maintain a professional appearance.

  • Is my guard card valid in other states?

    Guard card requirements vary from state to state. In some cases, your guard card may be valid in other states through reciprocity agreements. However, it’s essential to research the specific requirements of the state you intend to work in to determine if your card is transferable or if you need additional training.

  • How long is the guard card valid, and how do I renew it?

    The validity of guard cards varies depending on the state and licensing authority. Generally, guard cards are valid for a specific period, often two to five years in the state of California. To renew your guard card, you’ll likely need to complete a certain number of continuing education credits or training hours. Check with your local licensing agency for the exact renewal process and requirements.

  • What are some typical duties of a security guard?

    Security guards may have various responsibilities, including monitoring and patrolling premises, controlling access, responding to emergencies, maintaining security logs, and reporting incidents. Specific duties can vary based on the employer and the environment in which you work.

  • Can I upgrade my guard card to work in a higher-level security position?

    Yes, you can often progress in your security career by obtaining additional certifications and experience. Depending on your goals and the requirements of the position you aspire to, you might pursue certifications in executive protection, event security, or other specialized areas. Remember: Always stay informed and up-to-date on industry developments and legal obligations to ensure a successful and compliant security career.

  • If I have a Felony/Misdemeanor, can I still get my guard card?

    Generally speaking: No. If you have a felony conviction and are interested in pursuing a career in the security field, it’s advisable to research the specific laws and regulations in your area and consult with local authorities or a legal professional to understand your options and potential pathways for employment. In some cases, individuals with criminal records may be eligible for expungement or other legal remedies that could improve their chances of obtaining a security guard license. However, The requirements for obtaining a guard card, also known as a security guard license, vary by state and country, but one common criterion is that applicants must pass a background check.